Dare To Dream

Dreams Warning About Disasters


Warning given by Dreams sometimes generate such strong feelings that the dreamer is impelled to action. This is a dream of an young manager who saw himself flying in a smallish plane of world war II vintage. There was heavy blizzard outside and everything was snow, cold, dark and grey. Visibility was poor. The plane had to crash land.

There was total panic, people screaming. Just then one person jumped off, plunged straight into the snow and died. In the dream the dreamer thought that if he must die, then at least he must die wearing comfortable clothes. Unexpectedly the plane bumped against a tree, which blocked its speed and then landed on its nose. The dreamer did not expect to safe land or survive at all. But he had miraculously escaped. Extreme panic transformed itself into a sense of calm and serenity.

Dream Interpretation

The symbolic depiction of the dream dealt with an unresolved life situation in his life. After unraveling the metaphors of the dream, during dream work, the dreamer had no difficulty in linking the dream to his current life situation. He was in a relationship with a girl who was urging him to get married. It was not a very happy relationship as he thought that the girl was very cold, insensitive & incompatible. Despite continuous problems in that rocky, potentially disastrous relationship the dreamer never could muster enough courage to end the relationship or to say ‘goodbye’ to her. He wanted to do that amicably, comfortably with clarity. He was aware that the issue was festering for a long time. But the visual imagery of the dream was so powerful that it shook him up. It was an urgent warning to avoid an imminent disaster, which he subsequently managed to do. Thanks to his dream.

I have discussed Dreamwork & Dream Interpretation in detail in my book Daring to Dream.

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