Dare To Dream

What You Permit You Promote


Why should we watch our thoughts? “Nothing is either good or back but thinking makes it so” said the immortal Shakespeare. There is a goldmine of insight that can be gained from this quote. Life lands us challenging situations all the time. It is up to us to do our best. If we refrain from having a negative narrative about our daily life events, we can liberate ourselves from  unnecessary suffering.

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who fear the invisible & those who ignore or ridicule the invisible.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has played havoc in the lives of those who fear the invisible. It has put them in a heightened sense of guardedness, making them suspicious of any contact with the outside world. Invisibility of the virus has transformed into the omnipresence of the virus everywhere. For them every imaginable surface in the world is covered with microorganisms & every human being is a carrier of the deadly infection. This could result in the obsessive behavior to disinfect, hide & protect at all times. The caution is transmuted into  paranoia with all kinds of  irrational &  fearful  scenarios.

 When Seeing Is Believing

Those who ridicule the invisible, find it difficult to believe what they cannot see with their own eyes. So what cannot be seen simply does not exist for them. Clearly, we do not see things as they are. We see things as who we are & become what we see.  However, the contradiction is such that the very same people worship the invisible God & pray to remain healthy.  Invisible as they are, do we ever doubt the power of prayer  and  the  miracles that dwell in the invisible ?

Science has grown to be one of the most powerful institutions in our culture. We have  begun to rely more on our logic & reason than our inner experience. But every new advance in science is issued from a great audacity of imagination. Although extremely valuable, imagination is invisible.  Can we deny it’s existence? What about powerful emotions such as love, happiness, anger, fear & loneliness?    They are invisible too but can play critical role in illness or health. Research tells us that the power of human mind is such that that it can affect the endocrine & immune systems.

The Multidimensional Existence

So the invisible dimension of life is not separate from the visible dimension. Like yin & yang the invisible exists in the visible just as the visible exists in the  invisible. One cannot exist without the other.  In fact, excessive identification with one dimension can lead to problems.  Their attributes may be opposite, but   they are complimentary. Much like the dualism present in nature where the visible & invisible that are present in delicate balance. This includes  heat & cold, day & night, summer & winter to name a few.

So what we choose to feed & focus on  grows inside us. If we choose to focus on fear we will fuel  fear and if we choose  to focus on  courage  we  will  cultivate courage. Similarly, if we  choose  to focus on love we will feel the fullness of love. All of us have the power to be healers because all of us have the power to love. What  then would you like to focus on ?  Could it be possibly anything else but love?

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